90% of the things we do in a day are habitual. Statistically we only use or conscious thinking to make 10% of our daily decisions. This is why it is so hard to break a habit. I heard a quote once "if nothing ever changes, then nothing ever changes". We can see our rut and hope for change, but it won't get you very far. You have to consciously make a decision to do something new. This applies to ever part of our lives, but for the sake of a light hearted example, let apply it to hair.
Have you known anyone, that no matter what their hairstyle seems to never change? Even if the length changes this persons hairstyle still looks the same. This happens when they use the same tools, product, and technique to style. Getting a new cut is only the beginning to a new look. learning to style in a new way is the rest of the story. To put another twist on what I'm trying to say… the same old cut can look new and fresh with a new style regimen. Make sure your stylist is willing to share some style/tool/product ideas with you. Below are some photos of three different models. Each of these looks were photographed on the same day, with hair and makeup changes.
model 1
model 2
…and model 3
Sometime this week you should try something new. I mean it!!! This week, try something new!!!
Start the process of getting outside of your normal routine so you will be open when that perfect style suggestion/idea comes your way.
I offen hear how people want a new look, but we all need to be reminded…"if nothing ever changes, then nothing ever changes".
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